Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
We simply borrow Nitrogen and Argon from nature. When released, they automatically return to their natural place in the environment.
Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Nitrogen and Argon have no atmospheric lifetime and zero GWP, so they pose no risk to the environment.
Weight Similar To Air
The weight of inert gas agents corresponds closely to that of normal air and will evacuate a protected area slower than halocarbon agents after a discharge.
No Combustion By-Products
Inert gasses do not decompose into toxic or corrosive elements in a fire, making it a safe choice for people and assets.
No Fogging
inert gas systems is ideal for occupied spaces because escape routes remain visible during, and after a discharge.
No Residue
That means no damage to your equipment and no clean up required
Electrically Non-conductive
It is electrically non-conductive and is therefore highly recommended for protecting electrical and electronic materials.
Minimal Thermal Shock
When discharged, inert gasses cause the least amount of thermal shock (sudden temperature drop), compared to other clean agents.