IG-100 uses Nitrogen for a clean, safe and 100% ecological extinguishment. This gas is widely used in a variety of extinguishing systems due to its excellent pressurization conditions.
In this case it complies with equal smothering efficiency by reducing the oxygen concentration to extinguish the fire, while leaving a percentage of oxygen suitable for occupied areas. Due to this feature, hazards can be protected where there is the possibility that people will be in the enclosure at the time of the fire, ensuring their safe evacuation both in terms of the level of oxygen in the room, and the absence of chemicals in the discharge. In addition, its physical and dispersion properties help maintain visibility during the evacuation.
It is highly recommended for class A, B and C hazards. The system operates by total flooding of the room, ensuring discharge in less than 1 minute with the safety conditions mentioned above. Gielle has two variants depending on the storage pressure: IG-100 at 200 bar and IG-100 at 300 bar; this makes it possible to adapt the quantity of extinguishing agent required, to the storage space available for the cylinders.
The system is optimized for the worst case conditions, all components are certified to ensure the strictest performance. These are necessary for the storage, detection, release and discharge of the agent at the right moment.